
Benefit Of Carambola fruit 杨桃的好处

Carambola fruit benefits(Star fruit)
1. Works on Immunity
Star fruit is rich in Vitamin C, a water soluble vitamin which is considered to be one of the best anti-oxidants for the body. It provides 34 mg of Vitamin C which is 41% of daily need. As Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant it boost the immune system to fight against cold and flu amongst other common infections. The other reason to pile on this fruit is because Vitamin C is not stored in our body and gets evicted rather fast in form of excretions and sweating.
This is why fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C content super beneficial for replenishing the lost anti-oxidant in our body. Anti-oxidants improve immune function work by cleaning out the toxins and free radicals that form in our body as a result of exposure to our environment, internal metabolism and systems and food sources.
2. Allays Inflammation
Free radicals aggravate the inflammation in the body and delays the tissue repair. Star Fruit contains a high amount of antioxidant and flavonoids  that is highly beneficial to protect from such inflammation. Vitamin C not only acts as an anti-oxidant which flushes out toxins but also produces collagen. Collagen is a key component which repairs and forms bones, arteries and blood vessels. This role plays an important part in healing the body and allaying the damages caused at cellular and tissue level.
3. Anti-Cancer Fruit
The incidence of cancer is on an increase to an extent that it is being referred to as a lifestyle disease. The basic process that leads to cancer begins with the production of free radicals in the body. Formation of free radicals is a natural process and does not harm until antioxidants clean them out regularly. But where there is lack of antioxidants in the body, the free radicals multiply rapidly and damage the DNA of our cells. This uncontrollable growth leads to cancer where damaged cells divide and further invade the healthy cells.
Antioxidants in form of vitamin C in Star fruit help by cleaning the body and containing the growth of these free radicals before they cause any damage to healthy cells.  Star fruit contains fiber which cleanses toxin stored in  the colon and since these toxins increase risk of colon cancer, it negates that risk as well. Fiber helps the body to flush these harmful toxins from colon thus  protecting from colon cancer.
4. Weight Loss program
Diet is an essential part of weight loss regimen. In fact it is as important as exercising that is targeted at shaving off those extra kilos. There are some factors that make a food item ideal for inclusion in weight loss programs, these are- low fats, high water content, composition containing minerals and high fiber. All these factors make Star fruit a well deserved snack to be included in a strict weight loss dietary regime.
Fiber makes you full faster and keep you feeling full for longer which curbs the appetite naturally. Water rich fruits and vegetables make up for the lost water in the body due to heavy exercises. This keeps your body well hydrated and fit. On the other hand, a healthy composition of minerals ensure that your electrolyte balance is maintained. Electrolyte manages the neuro transmission and regulates muscle function in the body. If you exercise regularly, then frequent cramping up can indicate low electrolyte levels in the body.
Starfruit: Hair Benefits
- Star fruit allows other nutrients that are good for the body and hair to circulate more freely. It’s an excellent natural cure for hair loss since it is a good source of antioxidants and vitamin C which can help delay the natural ageing process.
- B-complex vitamin, which is essential for hair growth and help in keeping hair strong and healthy, is abundantly available in start fruit.
Starfruit: Skin Benefits
- Eat a star fruit or use it directly on acne-prone skin or oily skin as a face mask, it benefits the skin both ways.
- It purifies the blood, making the skin glow
- Star fruit contains zinc which reduces a tendency towards acne breakouts. It’s wholly recommended for people of all ages as it has antimicrobial effects. 
Star fruit-Nutritional Value:
· Energy 128 kj (31 kcal)
· Carbohydrates 6.73 g
· Dietary fibre 2.8 g
· Protein 1.04 g
· Vitamin C 34.4 mg
· Vitamin E 0.15 mg
· Iron 0.08 mg
· Fat 0.33 g
· Sugars 3.98 g
· Zinc 0.12 mg
· Calcium 3 mg
· Vitamin B6 0.017 mg
· Choline 7.6 mg
· Potassium 133 mg 




2. Allays炎症





饮食是减肥方案的重要部分。其实,这是因为运动是针对削去那些额外公斤同样重要。有一些因素,使食品的理想列入减肥计划,这些是 - 低脂肪,高水分含量,组合物含有矿物质和高纤维。所有这些因素使得杨桃当之无愧的零食包括在严格的减肥饮食制度。





维生素C 34.4毫克
维生素E 0.15毫克
维生素B6 0.017毫克

